B&C Lawn Care Logo

This was one of my first freelance logo projects. This was a logo for one of my buddies I used to mow along side with during my time Hoerr Nursery. He was starting his own side business and needed some branding. I came up with some blades of grass to act as an ampersand and used a serif font to give it some distinction. There are so many things that I would change about this logo now that I have experience under my belt and have a more developed eye. Instead of listing out all the issues I have with the original logo, I decided to recreate and correct some of my mistakes on the original version. The first logo is the original followed by the 2021 update. Underneath those, there are some additional iterations from the first creation process as well as a physical implementation in the form of a truck magnet. Note: client wanted “lawn care” as one word in for the original logo.

Original 2018 version:

Revisited 2021 version:

Various iterations and implementation